
PL100 - RDLVB Brown No Fly Screen Louvred Grille - Round Spigot

PL100 - RDLVB Brown No Fly Screen Louvred Grille - Round Spigot

(Code: PL100 - RDLVB - NO F/S)
PL100 - RDLVB Louvred Grille Brown without Fly Screen
£ 1.65
In Stock
(11 Item(s) In Stock)
  1. #Description#

    PL100 Louvred Grille.  Without Fly Screen (This Louvred Grille has NO FLY SCREEN)

    Low profile Louvred grille with spigot for rigid pipe 100mm dia..

    • U.V. Stabilised against deterioration by sunlight.
    • Size:- 154 x 154mm High x 16mm Depth
    • Spiggot:- 110 x 54mm Male Spiggot
    • Colour Brown

  2. #Technical Data#

    We will be adding our installation guide here soon

  3. #Direction of use#

    We will be adding our installation guide here soon.